Kir's Page

Welcome 2023

It's odd being back at school in January. Sure, I'm only here for 2 weeks but still. Maine is lonely in the winter and I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand I kind of like the solitude, on the other I know that if this lasted for more than a month I would probably become a hermit. I guess that's not something I need to worry about though.

So far the year has gone well, I won a TV yesterday which is still throwing me for a loop. Something no one tells you when you move out of your childhood home is how expensive furniture is. Right now the TV is on the floor because TV stands are more than $100 and I'm not paying that much money to prop up a free TV. I've also spend quite a bit of time in the pottery studio which is nice. I want to get better at making mugs this year and eventually make a teapot that I actually like

This website is really just for practice. I think that having coding skills is important, especially with how omnipresent technology is in our day and age and really learning html and css can only help me. The more I work on making this a real website, the more I'll know. For now though, I'm just happy that I was able to figure out how to post things.